Pense & Cre
Think & Believe | For a restorative society
Everyday that we can offer our service to the community, we give life to a more optimistic reality to the society. To witness the appropriation of technology by someone who did not even believe being capable, is something incredible, something we offer with passion.
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Social Entity of Culture, Education and Technology
Pense (Think)
See the concepts, be aware and informed about things.
Understand the context, go deeper.
Cre (Believe)
This is your chance to do something meaningful to others.
What you do matters.
You can achieve.
Programar é Preciso (To code is necessary)
Through practical and free online workshops with experts in the technology area, we have aggregated decades of evolution in teaching-learning methodologies, cutting-edge technology, development and programming.
Restorative Society
Through promoting the appropriation of technology to participants, we are pleased to inspire self-development and self-confidence, which we believe to be key to building an educating, restorative community.
Your help makes us help
We are privileged to offer young participants self-development, understanding, self-confidence and more through teaching technology and programming.
Donate today
Goal of R$5,000 recurrent
Campaign Programar é Preciso (Coding is Necessary)
With 1 real (£0.15) a day you allow us to keep our website and systems online. Or also, with 30 reais (£4.45) a month you are awakening someone's interest in technology.
You are using our participant's curiosity for him / her to learn and have a better future.
Our workshops are free, but they cost us. With 30 reais (£4.20) per month, in 3 months you are generating an hour of direct workshop with a participant, leading, for example, to an elementary understanding of the main layers involved in computing.
We face a much greater demand than our current capacity. We need resources urgently to be able to hire more professionals, to improve and expand our service, and to rent physical space.
Thank you very much for helping us make a difference.
make the difference
Our Priorities
Como toda organização social, escolhemos as batalhas pela qual lutamos. Nosso foco é a Educação e a Tecnologia, mas nossa base de prioridades agrega outros temas que consideramos essenciais e que tentamos levar à tona no nosso trabalho na comunidade.
Technical, practical, formal preparation, deepening of knowledge through academic and professional vision
Appropriation of the technology behind the media, information, data processing, entertainment
Explore, listen, research, understand other cultures, ethnic and socio-cultural diversity
Teamwork, collaboration in multidisciplinary teams, behavior
Awareness, problem solving, creativity towards sustainability
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Reais (BRL) recurrent goal to be achieved
The Situation of Education
We do not have the power nor the preparation to revolutionize public education. But we can leverage young people by offering a unique opportunity to overcome all the difficulties imposed by the system. See more about the context in full, at Agência Brasil (Agency Brazil) and at Instituto Reos (Reos Institute), in Portuguese
- evasion rates are still quite high in the final years of each cycle
- stagnation at a low level of performance
- challenges, both regarding universalization and quality
- the sector lacks resources and investments
- mismanagement of education
- computer labs and internet access is still not a reality for more than 34% of schools
Espaço Verde (Green Area) - Exploring Concepts
Pedro Barros – medalha brasileira nas Olimpíadas de Tóquio 2020
"Cara, como título não muda em absolutamente nada. Hoje foi mais um campeonato de skate, algo que a gente faz a vida inteira. Mas como exemplo a gente teve a oportunidade de hoje estar em uma das maiores plataformas do mundo que é as olimpíadas, onde o mundo inteiro...
Campaign Programar é Preciso (Coding is Necessary)
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
Espaço Verde (Green Area) - Exploring Concepts
Design Para O Bem
Pediram para ver a nossa ideia e iniciativa em 90 segundos pra um projeto de verba. Veja no vídeo o que apresentamos para o Design For Good, organizado pela Aquent e Vitamin T. Desculpem que o vídeo precisava ser em inglês, mas coloquei legenda em português. O projeto...
Assine contra a desigualdade social. Em 20 segundos você pode nos ajudar. Compartilhe.
Tem um projeto de lei PL 3887/2020, que a primeira vista não parece muita coisa, mas que se aprovado da forma proposta, será um tiro muito covarde na população mais vulnerável do nosso Brasil. E não podemos deixar isso acontecer. O site da petição é seguro, leva uns...
How the Amazon, most affected by the coronavirus, resumed classes with the closing of classrooms
Article published on June 15, 2020. "Aula em Casa" is a television program that reaches 450 thousand students in the state of Amazonas. Recently, the project has expanded to other states of São Paulo, Sergipe and Espírito Santo, which means that it takes its content to ...